The Company has established a written corporate governance policy. Which the Board of Directors’ meeting acknowledged and understand the principles of good corporate governance revised version 2017

Code of Conduct

The Company Limited has established the Code of Conduct to guide the Board of Directors, the management and employees to perform their respective duties and responsibilities under the principles of honesty, fairness and integrity. The Code of Conduct applies conducts towards the Company, all stakeholders, public and civil society.

Code of Conduct

Other Policies

Corporate Governance Policy
Anti-Corruption Policy
Whistle Blowing
Policy and practice guidelines for maintaining information security
Related Transactions Guide
Inter-Company Transaction Policy

Corporate Documents

Memorandum of Association
Articles of Association


The Board of Directors Charter
The Audit Committee Charter
The Executive Committee Charter
Risk Management Committee Charter
The Nomination and Remuneration Committee Charter
Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility Committee Charter